Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peer Johannsen

Weird Science - Tales from the Vectrex Academy Lab

Vectrex Project Title

  • Test Rev.4

Project Status

  • Ongoing research


  • Digital Archeology - An investigation of the Test Rev.4 cartridge
  • For reasons I won't go into here I was inspecting the code of the Test Rev. 4 cartridge and somehow ended up with a complete disassembly and analysis of the code. Here is a summary of some interesting, yet probably utterly useless findings...

An analysis of the Test Rev.4 cartridge

  • The code structure shows an interesting design, using a major jump table and indirect jumps to the test procedures (function pointers). Looks like it was built to be easily extended with additional tests.
  • The cartridge code contains copies and slight modifications of quite a lot of the vectrex BIOS routines. Some few of those copies are dead code and not used by the cartridge, but the vast majority of the copies is actively used instead of the actual BIOS ROM functions, especially lots of drawing routines. Of the true BIOS ROM functions, only DC_to_C8(), Print_Str_hwyx(), Do_Sound(), Intensity_a(), Recalibrate() and Sound_Byte() are used.
  • The most interesting of the modified versions of the BIOS routines are the local Wait_Recal() and Moveto_d() version. The Moveto_d() version does not contain all those extra delays which can be found in the BIOS code.
  • Some guess work: Most likely the cartridge code started with just some few tests and versions of the early BIOS routines, while the BIOS itself was still being developed. Then later on more tests were added. It might also be possible that the early versions of the test cartridge ran on consoles without a BIOS ROM chip.
  • The initial grid test draws a large 16x16 square grid in a rather inefficient way, with lots of Moveto() and Reset0Ref() calls, and with complete lines unnecessarily drawn as repeating segments. I guess that this is done deliberately, so that on the screen one gets a good impression of how accurately the beam is being positioned. The additional four outer boundary lines of the grid test are placed at Y-distances -77 and + 77 from the center, and at X-distances -64 and +64 from the center. This translates to a Y : X aspect ratio of 155 : 129 (you have to figure in the center point, so you get 2*77+1 : 2*64 + 1), which is about 1.2015503. I think the aim of the designers / programmers was probably to get as closely as possible to 1.2, which would correspond to a desired ratio of 6 : 5. Below are separate pictures of the aspect ratio boundary lines, and of the square grid, the latter also showing all the "invisible" moves (thanks Vide!).


  • The deflection protect test draws a hypercube of increasing size with scales from 0 to 255, while using only a Wait() and not a Recalibrate(). On a real console, this causes the cubes of the smaller scales from 0 to some threshold value (maybe ~0xb0==176, at least it seems so on my consoles, I have not yet tried to determine the precise value) not to be shown on the CRT. The Wait() routine essentially keeps ZERO active all the time while waiting for the timer. If this happens, the effective brightness of the electron beam on the CRT is immediately dimmed. If ZERO is active for 20/50 seconds, then the hardware deflection protection mechanism kicks in disables the screen display. Note that page 21 of the Vectrex Service Manual describes the appearance of this test sligthly different than it is described on page 8 of the Vectrex Trouble Shooting Guide.
  • You can find further investigations regarding the deflection protection mechanism in a related and detailed analysis of the Wait_Recal() BIOS routine.

  • In the code section of the focus test, there is data for a total of 9 focus items to be displayed. However, only the first 5 are used. Likely because the flicker is already bad with 5. Displaying all 9 items results in an even more terrible framerate. Here are pictures of the original 5-items and the hidden 9-items version:


  • The checksum is computed for the RUM code and for the Mine Storm code (complete area from 0xe000 to 0xffff). I have only access to BIOS images with checksums 0xb767, 0x7931 and 0x7adb. The latter two BIOS versions come with the same Mine Storm version, which is different from the Mine Storm version of the first BIOS. All three RUM versions are different (for a deeper analysis see here).
  • The distortion 1 test, for whatever reason, draws imperfect triangles with start point and end point not perfectly matching, according to the vector data. The resulting yx offsets (in vector coordinates) are (-1,-8) for the left pointing triangles, (-1,+7) for the right pointing triangles, (-8,0) for the downwards pointing triangles, and (-1,0) for the upwards pointing triangles. If you look closely, these imperfections can be seen on the real console. Why did the programmers choose such data? And why with different imperfections for each type of triangle?
  • The distortion 2 test draws 16 rectangles of yx vector size (254, 240), using scale factors 65 to 125 in steps of 4. This results in a pattern of the so-called mystery gaps (for an explanation see here) of sizes 3,0,4,1,5,2,6,3,0,4,1,5,2,6,3,0 which can clearly be seen on the screen.
  • Most of the test procedures do exceed the 50Hz framerate barrier, which, on a 220Hz power grid, leads to some terrible shaking of the vectors. Here are some more detailed cycle counts:
 Cycle Count
 n.a.          (6618)
 31490      (30378)
 31229      (28871)
  • If there is interest, I will create a modified version of the cartridge with most of the tests running within 50Hz, which can quite easily be achieved by simply shortening or removing the text messages of the tests. Except for indicating which test is currently being run, those are not important to the actual test procedure. Also, I will add separate checksum tests for the RUM and for Mine Storm.
  • Some additional new tests, which could also be added: drift indicator test, showing how much drift you have on your console, and a DAC inaccuracy test, showing how prone your DAC is to the abs(DAC(x)) != abs(DAC(-x)) phenomenon (monotony errors, see here).


  • Peer Johannsen

Latest modification on 09/14/2024, 15:22
  • Section about the initial grid test added
  • Cycles counts table completed