Weird Science - Tales from the
Vectrex Academy Lab

Project Title
- An analysis of the original Star Ship cartridge
and source code
- Digital Archeology - An investigation of the Star
Ship cartridge
- Ok, I had planned to merely do a
plain comparison of the source code of Star Ship
and the source code of Star Trek, but then I
discovered an Easter Egg hidden inside Star
Ship, which, to my best knowledge, as of today
has not yet been reported before.
- Please correct me if I am wrong,
but I searched on the web, and I did not find
this mentioned anywhere.
Easter Egg
- Star Ship was coded by Mark
Indictor, and inside the game he hid his
credentials extremely well:
- ... when you have lost your last ship ...
- ... and when the "REPLAY: ANY KEY"
message appears on the screen ...
- ... then if you managed to achieve a score of
at least 500.000 points ...
- ... and if you then press buttons 1 on both
controllers and keep them pressed ...

- .. then the name M. INDICTOR
will appear at the bottom of the screen.
- Note that this easter egg is
contained in Star Ship, but not in Star Trek.
- Again, this
analysis would not have been possible
without Vide.
- Many thanks to
Malban for once more adding tons of new
features I suggested or asked for.
modification on 07/26/2024, 12:30