Weird Science - Tales from the
Vectrex Academy Lab

Project Title
- Alpha-release version 1.0
- Vectrex console RAM analyzer
- Aimed at detecting faulty hardware RAM circuits
How To Use
- Run
the binary on a real (physical) Vectrex
- If
some suspicious RAM behavior is
detected, then the RAM address and an
error code is displayed on the screen,
along with the current value of the
cell, and the intended value. Please send
in these pieces of information for
further analysis.
- The
first binary (ram_checker.bin) will
execute one single round of tests. If no
errors are detected, then a success
message is displayed. The console can be
switched off now.
- The
other binary (ram_checker_endless.bin)
will continue its checking in an endless
loop and thus do a RAM stress test.
Nothing will be shown on the screen,
unless an error is detected. This binary
is intended to find glitch errors in RAM
cells, that occur only every once in a
- There is more to checking RAM than simple
write-read tests. Those would not suffice.
- See here
for a good introduction.
- The RAM checker is written entirely in C. It also
uses a (very) small portion of the Vectrex RAM, and
thus is not yet perfect. Also, a (very) small
portion of the BIOS RAM ist not (yet) checked.
- However, if those RAM cells were faulty, the whole
checker would crash, and/or most cartridges would
not function normally anyway.
- This checking behavior will be improved in the
next version.
- If you download the RAM checker and try it
on your machine, it would be great if you let
us know. Especially if you let us know
about the outcome. Currently, there is not
enough data of test-run results on real
consoles to assess the reliability of the
- Downloads are free and for non commercial use
only. Use at your own risk.
- Please
respect the copyright and credit the
author and the origin of this project.
Latest modification on 10/01/2024,
- Documentation updated during
research sabbatical 2024