Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peer Johannsen

Vectrex Academy 2023 Project

Game Title


Project Status

  • Project completed
  • Final release version available for download
  • Change log since last beta version:
  • Endscreen (statistics) interaction modified


  • A workout for your brain
  • You want to activate your brain and have fun at the same time?
  • Then press start and jump right into a challenging game that tests your reaction time and concentration. Join the competition and break the highscore!

How To Play

  • Each button (1 to 4) belongs to one shape (triangle, square, x, rhombus).
  • There are 4 columns on the screen and on the bottom of each colum is one shape.
  • So column 1 belongs to the triangle and so on…
  • When the game starts, some shapes are spawning randomly at the top of the columns and start to fall down.
  • If a shape reaches the end of a column the player must decide whether to press the according button or not.
  • If the shape that is falling down matches the shape the column belongs to, then press the button.
  • If the shape that is falling down does not match the shape the column belongs to, then do not press the button.
  • For every shape you miss or you pressed the button falsewise you lose 1 life.
  • Once you have lost 3 lives, the game is over.


  • 0xC001D00D

Concept Art


New Demo Video


  • Feedback ist highly appreciated!
  • Downloads are free and for non commercial use only. Use at your own risk.
  • Please respect the copyright and credit the author and the origin of this game.

Online Playing

  • Link to Dr. Snuggles' online emulator to directly play the game in your browser: Get in Shape


  • Feedback, and bug reports are very welcome and will be relayed to the author.
  • Please use this link to send your comments.

Latest modification on 07/31/2023, 17:10

  • Project completed
  • Final release uploaded