Vectrex Academy 2019 Project

Game Title
Project Status
- Galaga and Defender clone, defend your area against evil space enemies
- Recreated Space-Shooter game designed for the Vectrex console
- The game is tuned to the requirements of the console and its aim is to provide a great amount of fun.
How To Play
- The player controls a space ship somewhere in the galaxy.
- The ship can be moved to the left and right at the bottom of the screen.
- After a while, enemy asteroids and enemy ships are approaching, threatening the player. The player can defend himself by shooting or moving away.
- The player has three lives, and once hit by an enemy, a live is lost.
- For shooting an enemy, points are awarded and added to the game score. Ships give twice as many points as asteroids.
- The latest implementations were a fitting background music and a new effect, when a collision between an enemy and the player occurs.
- Also the score is now updated, and different enemies yield a different amoint of points when shot.
- From level 3 on, the enemies are starting to fire back.
- Recent additions are a new overlay Design, a manual and a history, how it came to the space war, a short animation after a level is won, and an explosion sound.
Author and Rank
- KusoTech
- Principal Software-Engineer
Concept Art

Demo Video 1
Demo Video 2
Release Video 3
- Feedback and bug reports are very welcome and will be relayed to the author.
- Please use this link to send your comments.
Latest modification on 07/29/2019, 14:00
- Project status updated
- Release binary and third demo video uploaded
- Project completed