Vectrex Academy 2019 Project

Game Title
Project Status
- Breakout clone
- Additional specialty bricks
- Multiple freely moving balls
How To Play
- The main goal of the game is to clear the playing field of all bricks.
- To remove a brick, it has to be hit by a freely moving ball.
- The user controls a horizontally movable bat, which must be used to prevent the ball from touching the bottom border of the screen. All other sides of the screen, as well as the bricks themselves, cause the ball to bounce back.
- In addition to the standard type bricks, there are also special brick which require two hits by the ball. Other special bricks release an additional ball into the game.
Author and Rank
- Whitehat
- Principal Software-Engineer
Concept Art and Screenshots
Prototype Video
- Vectrex binary blox.bin
- Overlay blox.png
- Game manual blox.pdf
- Downloads are free and for non commercial use only. Use at your own risk.
- Please respect the copyright and credit the author and the origin of this game.
- Feedback and bug reports are very welcome and will be relayed to the author.
- Please use this link to send your comments.
Latest modification on 07/29/2019, 13:30
- Project status updated
- Project completed
- All project sections updated